Brain Health Naturally

Boost Your Brain Health Naturally

Struggling to remember a colleague’s name? Can’t remember where you put your keys? Moments of forgetfulness or lack of concentration can be worrying, but can happen to all of us. There are many possible reasons for these occurrences – from being tired and overworked to having a hectic family life and suffering a lack of a good night’s sleep. Often, it’s just a signal that we should slow down. 

Not completing tasks, and having to repeatedly look up directions are all behaviours that may signal we are becoming overwhelmed. But while day-to-day stresses can compromise brain health, the truth is that every brain changes with age. And so does mental function. 

The good news is, that in most cases, you may have the power to make improvements to your brain health. Food and lifestyle choices can play an important role in keeping your brain healthy and may help to improve specific issues, such as short-term loss of memory and concentration.

Keeping your Brain Healthy

There are certain lifestyle choices that we make daily that can have an impact on our brain health without us even knowing it. Regular exercise has been shown to spur the development of new nerve cells and increase the connections between brain cells, which may in turn make our brains more efficient and adaptive, improving performance. A lack of sleep can mean difficulty concentrating. Good sleep practices include avoiding blue light from mobile phones, laptops and TVs close to bedtime, only having coffee 4-6 hours before bedtime, and sleeping in darkness.

Just as important are the food and nutrients you consume. Here are five important nutrients to support Brain Health:

1. Vitamin K (present in broccoli)

Broccoli is abundant in nutrients and compounds that may slow cognitive decline and support healthy brain function. It’s especially high in vitamin K, which may help to form sphingolipids, a fat that’s densely packed into brain cells and has the potential to improve memory function.

2. Zinc (present in pumpkin seeds)

Pumpkin seeds are full of powerful antioxidants and nutrients reported to have a protective effect for the brain. One of these is zinc, which studies show may help to maintain brain health with age and support memory function.

3. Choline (present in eggs)

Eggs are an excellent source of nutrients linked to brain function, including vitamins B6 and B12, folate and choline. Your body uses choline to create acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate mood and memory. Recent research also suggests that the nutrients in eggs may even prevent brain shrinkage and delay cognitive decline.

4. Ginseng

Ginseng is understood to support critical brain functions, such as memory, concentration, mood and even behaviour. One study which tracked people taking Ginseng for a month recorded improvements in mental health, social functioning and mood among those taking part.

5. Sage leaf

Through the ages, sage has been used for its benefits for cognitive and neurological conditions. A 2017 review of research on this topic shows our ancestors may have been on to something, with sage leaf linked to a range of positive brain health processes, such as halting the breakdown of acetylcholine (low levels are linked to Alzheimer’s disease), and improving memory and problem-solving. People taking sage in high doses have also been shown to be more alert and content.

Supplement support

Supplements may be an efficient route to that all-important brain-health boost. A good, comprehensive brain health supplement should contain a number of core recognised elements - choline, zinc, vitamins B6 and B12, ginseng, sage – together with other nutrients shown in studies to have potentially boosted brain health – such as ginkgo biloba, rhodiola and rosemary leaf.

Choline is mainly found in eggs, meat and fish, so a vegan-friendly supplement may help vegans obtain a sufficient intake of this all-important nutrient. One such product, that ticks all the boxes, is UK-made and 100% vegan, Urban Essentials - Cognitive Focus Complex. This comprehensive supplement is a unique formulation containing 14 of the leading nutrients that may help to support optimal brain health.


CognitiveKieran Doyle